Sunday Warm-up: February 2nd, 2020

Worship on Sunday morning is one of the most important and consistent ways that we connect with our God and remember our Savior. To make the most of each gathering, we can fill our souls and prepare our hearts to spill over in worship.
The Sunday warm-up is designed to offer resources that match the upcoming service and help the SCBC family to prepare for Sunday worship.
Sunday's Message

Life can sometimes feel like a tidal wave; dangerous and unpredictable. Yet, the people of God find safety and joy in nearness to Him. He has promised that he will hear the cry of His people and save them.
Related Sermons:
His Answer is Salvation - Pastor Steve
Prayer and a God who Hears You - John MacArthur
Related Articles:
The Key to Christians Joy - R. C. Sproul
Sunday's Passage

Sunday's Song: It is Well
by Horatio Gates Spafford, Kristene DiMarco, and Philip Paul Bliss